Surveillance Systems

Surveillance systems play a crucial role in safeguarding properties, assets, and people by monitoring activities and deterring unauthorized actions. These systems typically include a combination of cameras, recording devices, and monitoring software to capture and analyze video footage in real-time or for later review. Key components of surveillance systems include:

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Analog CCTV Systems

Traditional CCTV systems that use analog cameras to transmit video signals to a central recording device. They are cost-effective and suitable for basic surveillance needs.

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IP CCTV Systems

Modern surveillance systems that use network cameras to capture and transmit video data over an IP network. They offer high-resolution video, remote accessibility, and scalability.

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Wireless CCTV Systems

Utilizes wireless technology to transmit video signals from cameras to the recording device or monitoring station. Ideal for locations where running cables is challenging.

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HD CCTV Systems

High-definition CCTV cameras that provide superior video quality and clarity compared to standard analog cameras. They are suitable for capturing detailed images over large areas.

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PTZ (Pan-Tilt-Zoom) Cameras

Cameras that can be remotely controlled to pan, tilt, and zoom, allowing operators to monitor specific areas and objects closely. They are versatile and effective for live monitoring.

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Night Vision CCTV Systems

Equipped with infrared (IR) technology to capture clear images in low-light or nighttime conditions. Ideal for 24/7 surveillance applications.

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Motion-Activated Cameras

Cameras that are triggered by motion, automatically recording video when movement is detected. They help conserve storage space and capture critical events.

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